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Overzicht van eigenschappen die Work verbinden met - .

black: Label en

PropertyLabel enDescription enSubpropertyOf 
has academic degreehas academic degreeRelates a work to a rank conferred as a guarantee of academic proficiency.
has aspect ratio of representative expressionhas aspect ratio of representative expressionRelates a work to a numerical ratio of the width to the height of a representative expression of a moving image work.
has category of workhas category of workRelates a work to a type to which a work belongs.has category of RDA entity
has colour content of representative expressionhas colour content of representative expressionRelates a work to an indication of the presence of colour or tone in the content of a representative expression of a work.
has content type of representative expressionhas content type of representative expressionRelates a work to a categorization of a representative expression that reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
has coverage of contenthas coverage of contentRelates a work to a chronological or geographic coverage of the content of a work.
has declinationhas declinationRelates a work to the angular distance of a celestial body that is measured north or south through 90° from the celestial equator along the hour circle through the body.
has dissertation or thesis informationhas dissertation or thesis informationRelates a work to a statement that identifies an academic institution, degree, or year for which a work was presented.
has duration of representative expressionhas duration of representative expressionRelates a work to an extent of expression of a representative expression of a work that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.has related timespan of work
has extension planhas extension planRelates a work to a categorization that reflects an intention to extend the content of a work.
has extent of representative expressionhas extent of representative expressionRelates a work to a type, number, and measurement unit that quantify an aspect of the extent of a representative expression of a work.
has frequencyhas frequencyRelates a work to an interval at which a part, issue, or iteration of a diachronic work is issued.
has history of workhas history of workRelates a work to a summary of information about the history of a work.
has intended audience of representative expressionhas intended audience of representative expressionRelates a work to a category of user for whom a representative expression of a work is intended, or for whom a representative expression of a work is considered suitable.
has jurisdiction governed (Deprecated)has jurisdiction governed (Deprecated)Relates a work to a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another jurisdiction. (Deprecated)has other agent associated with work (Deprecated)
has key of representative expressionhas key of representative expressionRelates a work to a set of pitch relationships that establishes the tonal centre, or principal tonal centre, used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a representative expression.
has language of representative expressionhas language of representative expressionRelates a work to a language used for the content of a representative expression of a work.
has latitudehas latitudeRelates a work to the distance of a place on a planet or satellite that is measured north and south from the equator.
has longitudehas longitudeRelates a work to he distance of a place on a planet or satellite that is measured east and west from a reference meridian.
has medium of performance of choreographic content of representative expressionhas medium of performance of choreographic content of representative expressionRelates a work to a type of performer or group of performers participating, or intended to participate, in a performance of choreographic or non-musical dramatic content of a representative expression.
has medium of performance of musical content of representative expressionhas medium of performance of musical content of representative expressionRelates a work to an instrument, voice, or ensemble used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a representative expression of a work.
has nature of contenthas nature of contentRelates a work to a specific character of the primary content of a work.
has note on metadata workhas note on metadata workRelates a work to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a metadata work.has note on work
has note on workhas note on workRelates a work to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a work.has note on RDA entity
has numbering of parthas numbering of partRelates a work to a designation that is assigned to a work to identify its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger work.
has other distinguishing characteristic of work (Deprecated)has other distinguishing characteristic of work (Deprecated)Relates a work to a characteristic, other than form of work, date of work, or place of origin of the work, that serves to differentiate a work from another work with the same preferred title of work. (Deprecated)
has projection of cartographic content of representative expressionhas projection of cartographic content of representative expressionRelates a work to a method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane in a representative expression of a work.
has recording sourcehas recording sourceRelates a work to a source of information for a metadata work that is an unstructured description transcribed from a manifestation that is being described.
has related entity of workhas related entity of workRelates a work to an entity that is associated with a work.has related entity of RDA entity
has right ascensionhas right ascensionRelates a work the the angular distance of a celestial body that is measured eastward on the equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle through the body, from 0 to 24 hours.
has scale of representative expressionhas scale of representative expressionRelates a work to a ratio of the dimensions of a representative expression of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
has scope of validityhas scope of validityRelates a work to an unstructured or structured description of a set of entities for which the value of a metadata work is valid.
has script of representative expressionhas script of representative expressionRelates a work to a set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of a representative expression of a work.
has sound content of representative expressionhas sound content of representative expressionRelates a work to a presence or absence of sound in a representative expression of a work.
has subjecthas subjectRelates a work to a topic that a work is about.has related entity of work
has system of organizationhas system of organizationRelates a work to a system of arranging materials in an archival resource or a collection.
has year degree grantedhas year degree grantedRelates a work to a timespan during which an academic degree is conferred by a granting institution or faculty.has date of work
is subject of (Deprecated)is subject of (Deprecated)Relates an entity to a work that is about an entity. (Deprecated)