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Overzicht van eigenschappen die Place verbinden met Agent .

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PropertyLabel enDescription enSubpropertyOf 
has related agent of placehas related agent of placeRelates a place to an agent who is associated with a place.has related agent of RDA entity
has related RDA entity of place
has related agent of placehas related agent of placeRelates a place to an agent who is associated with a place.has related entity of place
is country associated with agent ofis country associated with agent ofRelates a place to an agent who is identified with a country.
is place associated with agent of (Deprecated)is place associated with agent of (Deprecated)Relates a place to an agent who is associated with a place. (Deprecated)has related agent of place
is place of birth ofis place of birth ofRelates a place to an agent who was born in a place.has related agent of place
is place of death ofis place of death ofRelates a place to an agent who died in a place.has related agent of place
is place of residence ofis place of residence ofRelates a place to an agent who resides or has resided in, or is associated other than birth, death, or residence with a place.has related agent of place