RDA Graph

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Overzicht van eigenschappen die Work verbinden met Place .

black: Label en

PropertyLabel enDescription enSubpropertyOf 
has coordinates of cartographic contenthas coordinates of cartographic contentRelates a work to a place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is described using a mathematical system to identify its boundaries or location.has related place of work
has longitude and latitudehas longitude and latitudeRelates a work to a place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is identified using the longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and the latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.has coordinates of cartographic content
has place of capture of representative expressionhas place of capture of representative expressionRelates a work to a place that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a representative expression.has related place of work
has place of origin of workhas place of origin of workRelates a work to a place from which a work originated.has related place of work
has related place of workhas related place of workRelates a work to a place that is associated with a work.has related RDA entity of work
has related place of RDA entity
has right ascension and declinationhas right ascension and declinationRelates a work to a place that that is the location of a celestial body that is the coverage of a cartographic work and is identified using the angles of right ascension and declination.has coordinates of cartographic content
has strings of coordinate pairshas strings of coordinate pairsRelates a work to a place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is identified by a polygon using coordinates for each vertex.has coordinates of cartographic content
has subject placehas subject placeRelates a work to a place that a work is about.has subject RDA entity
has related place of work
is description of placeis description of placeRelates a work to a place that is described by a work.is description of RDA entity
has subject place